American karate kung-fu federation

Martial Arts With A Purpose

learN about the american karate kung-fu federation

About The AKKF

Greetings fellow Martial Artists! Ever since the late 1950s and early 1960s, American soldiers, sailors, marines, and air force members have come back to the States after being stationed in the Far East. ...

Join The AKKF

WHY JOIN THE A.K.K.F. Finally, a solution and a union of strength. What is the reason a martial artist in Karate or Kung-Fu would join the A.K.K.F.? Membership Benefits: 1. Authentication and sanction ...

Member Studio Locater

AKKF Member studios can be found across the world.

why join the akkf

Finally, a solution and a union of strength.

What is the reason a martial artist in Karate or Kung-Fu would join the A.K.K.F.?

join a team of professionals to help

achieve your goals

The American Karate Kung-Fu federation is made up of martial artists just like yourself across the country with one thing in mind, improvement and growth.
Together we can achieve anything, join our family today and find out why 1000’s of school owners love what the AKKF stands for and represents.